• CCHS Honor Court

    HC Mallot 

    The Honor Court believes that its role is to encourage and promote integrity at Currituck County High School. While we do all we can to enforce the honor code, we view ourselves as an opportunity for students to learn the importance of ethics and truth. We strive for justice, but we balance our decisions and penalties with mercy. Ultimately, our desire is for students to walk away, having learned an important lesson. Accounting for a decision to cheat before a group of your peers is a powerful motivator. We include opportunities for students found guilty to make restitution. Simply put, students found guilty have taken away from the academic community. We believe it's important for them to give back to that community, so we emphasize restorative justice.
    The Honor Court continues to look for strategies to promote honesty and academic integrity in our school.  An Honor Code and Pledge have been established.  This student-initiated court is an outstanding model of young people making a positive difference in this world.

    Please check the links (on left) for further information.  Thank you for your interest.


Last Modified on November 13, 2023