Welcome To The 2022/2023 FBLA Page!
    Thank you for your interest in Moyock Middle School FBLA. We are a very proud group of students who work hard, play hard, and learn to be the leaders of tomorrow. We will have a booth at the Open House, with information on how to sign up. Dues are $11 this year and these dues cover state, national and local dues. Our local dues help pay for competitions such as the stock market game and regional competitive events. It also helps pay for our celebrations such as our Christmas party and our End of the Year cookout.
    Our FBLA is very active. Here are a few items you may be interested in knowing of the MMS FBLA Delegates:
    • We have had students placed in the National Stock Market Game for the last 5 years. We placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, in the nation in the Middle School Game the last time playing and have placed 8 times in the 4 games we have played.
    • We have a yearly food drive in which we average food for a week for 8 families each year. In addition, we send the extra food to the food pantry in Currituck and help with over 100 lbs of food yearly.
    • We compete at Regional and State Competitions. The results of the most recent trip are posted below.
    • We participate in the national Middle Level Achievement Program in which the students complete projects to earn National Recognition.
    • We do fundraisers to help defer the costs of all trips.
    • We do community service each year with the food drive and the March of Dimes (our national service partner.)
    • We have the best parties!
    If you are interested in joining FBLA, please come to our booth at open house email Mrs. Frazier at meganfrazier@currituck.k12.nc.us or stop by our classrooms. We would love to help you to become the next Future Business Leader.


    Historian -  Carmen V.
    Reporter -  Tamia B.
    Treasurer -  Riley B.
    Secretary -  Brendan K.
    Vice President -  Alexis B.
    President -  Nevaeh S.

    Check out our Facebook page using the link below!
    If you would like to be a part of our FBLA Discussion page (you must be a member or a parent), you can find it here:  


    FBLA National Website


     NC FBLA Website


Last Modified on February 2, 2023