• Beta Club Header

    It's Not for Everyone...

    Just those who want to lead.


    Staff Sponsors:

    Danna Billotte:  dbillotte@currituck.k12.nc.us

    Alex Herrick:  aherrick@currituck.k12.nc.us





    To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students.

    ACHIEVEMENT - Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
    CHARACTER - Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
    LEADERSHIP - Developing the leaders of tomorrow
    SERVICE - Demonstrating our motto: Let Us Lead by Serving Others


    The Currituck County Middle School chapter of the National Junior Beta Club is a prestigious invitation-only service club! It is an honor to be asked to become a member. Our members are recognized for their outstanding qualities of character, leadership and scholarship! As always, we look for ways to better our school and our community! 





    Requirements for Beta Club:

    Students need to have a cumulative average of 95 or above (no rounding) from the previous school year in order to be invited to join Beta Club.  Once they become a member, they need to maintain their good standing.  Students will be placed on probation if one of their report card grades drop below a “B”, if they don't maintain 95%, OR if they get a disciplinary referral. If it is a grade issue, they have to raise that grade by the next report card to remain in the club. Students are only allowed to drop to a probationary status once in middle school.  If it happens a second time, then they will be dropped from the club.

    Students will also be asked to perform 15 hours of community service throughout the school year.  This service must be performed outside of your home and be work that you are not being compensated for. The adult in charge will have to sign off on the hours worked. Consider helping your elderly neighbors with yard work or being a mother's helper to some family friends. There are also many opportunities in the community as well.  Helping out at school events or your church is also a great idea!

    Beta Club students are held in high regard in our community. Congratulations if you have been invited to join and welcome to our club!







Last Modified on March 6, 2023