Board of Education Crawford Township Seat Vacancy

  • Timeline

    - Wednesday, December 4, 2024: Press Release & Vacancy Announcement

    - Thursday, December 19, 2024: Regular BOE Meeting (Remaining timeline discussed)

    - Friday, January 3, 2025 (4:00 pm): Deadline for Application Submission

    - Monday, January 6, 2025: The Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting to conduct interviews for the Crawford Township seat vacancy in the Professional Learning Center (PLC) located on the campus of J.P. Knapp Early College High School (Building C) at 1:00 p.m.

    - Wednesday, January 15, 2025: Special Meeting at 9:30 a.m. to award the Crawford Township seat; This meeting will be held in the Curriculum Center located on the campus of J.P. Knapp Early College High School, Building C.

    - Thursday, January 16, 2025: Regular Board of Education Meeting  (6:30 p.m. at Moyock Middle School); Meeting information can be found on our Meetings, Agendas, and Videos webpage. The selected applicant will be sworn in at this meeting. 


    Materials and Resources