• Installation School Liaison Officers

    School liaison officers support their local military communities by acting as a bridge between the military family and the local school systems. They are a wealth of knowledge on local services and resources in their communities and are adept at guiding school-related issues to resolution for military families.

    If you are a military family and you need information on local community schools and child services, your installation school liaison office or school system’s military family counselor is a great place to start.


    Navy Support Info: 

    Navy School Liaison Officers support school and community partnerships, which promote the academic, social, and emotional success of military-connected children.

    The Navy School Liaison Officer serving military families from Currituck County Schools is located at NSA Hampton Roads-Northwest Annex (Bldg. 269, 2355 Olympic Blvd, Chesapeake VA 23322). 

    Tiffany Johnson


    Other Installation School Liaison Officers



    Support Resources

    Families / Parents

    National Guard Family Programs exists to support and educate families along the path of their National Guard life. Staff are available in each of the 54 States & Territories to assist families in taking full advantage of all services available.

    National Military Family Association is the leading non-profit organization focusing on issues important to military families. To fight for benefits and programs that strengthen and protect Uniformed Services families and reflect the Nation's respect for their service. We believe that all military families deserve comprehensive child care, accessible health care, spouse employment options, great schools, caring communities, a secure retirement, and support for widows and widowers.

    Military One Source is a confidential Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, Guard and Reserve Component members, and their families. Information includes, but is not limited to, deployment, reunion, relationship, grief, spouse employment and education, parenting and childhood, and much more.

    Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. A 501(c)(3) non-profit, world-wide organization, the MCEC performs research, develops resources, conducts professional institutes and conferences, and develops and publishes resources for all constituencies.

    Zero to Three is a national nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and the know-how to nurture early development. Their mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life.

    National Child Traumatic Stress Network was established to improve access to care, treatment, and services for traumatized children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events. 

    Military Storage Guide Military moves often include other complications like a transitional space between homes. Alternatively, you may face a trip overseas with limited space for possessions.View some of the most common reasons to seek storage while in the military.

    Special Education

    Autism Society of NC (ASNC) works to address areas of need and expand services for the autism community in North Carolina. ASNC is a statewide organization, supporting North Carolinians affected by autism and works to directly improve the lives of individuals and families affected by autism through advocacy, training and education, and direct services.

    STOMP - Specialized Training of Military Parents is a federally funded Parent Training and Information Center established to assist military families who have children with special education or health needs. STOMP staff are parents of children who have disabilities and have experience in raising their children in military communities and traveling with their spouses to different locations.

    EFMP - Exceptional Family Member Program supports military families with special medical and educational needs. The program has three components: identification and enrollment of a family member with special medical or educational needs; assignment coordination to determine the availability of services at the projected duty station; and family support to help families identify and access programs and services 

    Educational Links 

    NC School Report Card are one of the state's most comprehensive resources for information about student achievement, class size, school safety, school technology, and teacher quality at the school, district and state levels.

    Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission goal of the compact is to replace the widely varying policies affecting transitioning military students. The compact leverages consistency and addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.

    Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization of school superintendents. MISA's mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children. MISA works with local school districts and commanders to highlight best practices and partnerships that can further meet the needs of military families.

    Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is a civilian agency of the United States Department of Defense that manages all schools for military children and teenagers in the United States and overseas at American military bases worldwide.

    Tutor.com for US Military Families homework and studying help from a professional tutor any time you need it. FREE for students in Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard and Reserve families. Expert tutors are online 24/7 and available to help in more than 16 subjects, including test prep, proofreading, Math, Science, English and Social Studies.

    School Quest primary audience includes military students and their parents, though SchoolQuest is well-suited to anyone who is "questing" information about schools, college and workplace readiness, transition, etc. It is meant to facilitate the search for new schools and centralize resources.

    CFNC - College Foundation of NC is a free service of the State of North Carolina that helps students plan, apply, and pay for college. CFNC is a partnership of Pathways, the N.C. State Education Assistance Authority, and College Foundation, Inc. 

    Military Child / Youth

    Military Youth on the Move is a one-stop-shop for advice and info on moving, social life, school, and more. It provides helpful ideas and advice for students and parents on everything from deployment, to moving, to finding a job

    Military Kids Connect (MKC) is an online community for military children (ages 6-17 yr old) that provides access to age-appropriate resources to support children dealing with the unique psychological challenges of military life. MKC offers informative activities, fun games, helpful videos, and an online community that can build and reinforce understanding, resilience, and coping skills in military children and their peers.

    Sesame Street Talk, Listen, Connect for military families provides much-needed support and practical education with Talk, Listen, Connect, a multiphase outreach initiative to help kids through deployments, combat-related injuries, and the death of a loved one. Videos, storybooks, and workbooks especially created for this program guide families through these tough transitions by showing how real families deal with similar circumstances.
