Welcome to the Nurses page

  • School Nurse: Collette Sheppard BSN, RN, NCSN 

    Contact Information:

    252-435-2566 ext. 9030
    252-435-2576 Fax
    Hello, my name is Collette Sheppard. My main priority as your students' school Nurse is keeping your child healthy, safe, and most importantly, happy! Please let me know if your child has any special health care needs that I should be aware of to best assist them in school.
    Cellphones are a great asset to our everyday living but please help encourage your child to use the resources available here at Moyock Middle School. I have interventions to help keep students in school when possible. I may have your child reach out via text if appropriate but when a child NEEDS to be picked up, I will use the office phone to call you. 
    Immunizations:  All 7th grade students are required by law to have their MCV and Tdap boosters before beginning of school.  Proof of immunizations must be provided within the first 30 days of school.  Please contact your physician or the Currituck County Health Department to schedule your necessary immunizations. Please visit the 7th Grade Immunization Requirement tab for further information.  Documentation should be turned into school or faxed to 252-435-2576.
    Health Cards:  Please return the health cards ASAP even if you have already put this information into PowerSchool. 
    I review health card information to ensure PowerSchool has the most up-to-date information. The information you share with me helps provide the best care for your student. If your student has a health condition such as asthma, allergy or needs to take medication at school, there are specific forms to be completed.  
    Although health cards are reviewed,  their primary purpose is for emergencies. Your student's health card is what we will provide for the first responders if the child is transported to an emergency room.
    Asthmatics need to have a new asthma action plan completed each year.  Forms are availabe in the office and at your physician's office. In middle school, many students will carry their inhaler with them and also have a spare in the clinic.  We must have permission from the physician for students to self carry.
    Medications at school: Medications must be brought to school by a parent.  Students are not allowed to bring medications to school.  If medications need to be given while at school, medication permission forms must be completed and signed by a physician and parent.  Forms are in the office and on the Currituck County School's website. Per school board policy NO SCHOOL MAY ADMINISTER ANY MEDICATION WHICH INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: TYLENOL, IBUPROFEN, COUGH DROPS, ANY PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION. If at any time your child will require any medication to be taken during school hours they MUST have the Permission to Administer form filled out by physician. There are NO exceptions to this policy. Your child may not carry any medication on them unless this form is on file with the nurse.
    I'm always willing to help be a part of your students' success. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  
    Thank you,

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