- Currituck County Schools
- COVID-19 Response
The Currituck County Schools, per order by NC Governor Roy Cooper are closed effective March 16, 2020.
To read more, please visit Governor Cooper's website.For the most accurate information regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19 please refer to the following websites:
Albemarle Regional Health Services COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control COVID-19
Google COVID-19 Information & Resources
Important Information Regarding Grading Practices for the 2019-20 School Year
Student Grading FAQs for grades K-11
Parent Portal Update
Posted by RENEE DOWDY on 5/4/2020 5:00:00 PMGood evening Currituck County Schools' Families. We hope this message continues to find everyone healthy and well. The PowerSchool Parent Portal has been opened back up this evening. Quarter 3 grades have been finalized for all students in grades 6-12. For the final grading period, teachers in grades 6-12 will enter grades into the gradebook for the 2-3 remote learning assignments per week completed and turned in. Zeros will be entered as place holders for work not submitted or completed. This will help parents to note whether or not work has been submitted, but these zeros will not negatively impact final grades. The state department of public instruction has been clear about their expectation that participation in remote learning can improve a students grade, but cannot harm it. A pre-recorded grading video will be released tomorrow to walk students and parents through the latest grading guidance and clarify questions. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher and then school administration. District staff continue to work on plans for the end of the school year to include discussions about picking up personal belongings from schools, turning in school issued devices and materials, and of course topics like graduation and promotion ceremonies. We will provide additional updates soon. Don't forget that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Consider taking a moment to virtually send your appreciation to the teachers who have made a positive impact on your child's education! And thank you for the role you play in being your child's most important teacher. Thank you, and have a great evening.
Important Information for Staff
Posted by MELISSA FUTRELL on 4/29/2020An email was sent to ALL Staff today, 04/29/2020 with two important documents regarding Employee Rights and the Coronavirus Response Act.
The two files are also available below:
Update 4-24-2020
Posted by RENEE DOWDY on 4/24/2020 3:00:00 PMGood evening Currituck County Schools' families. Over the last two days, we have all received a lot of information about the status of our schools, grading, and remote learning. At times, this information can be overwhelming. As of this afternoon, we learned from Governor Cooper that schools will remain physically closed for the remainder of the year. Remote learning opportunities will still move forward for all students between now and the end of the year.
Grading guidance has been issued by the state for two distinct categories: Seniors and Students in Grades K-11. This grading guidance contains a lot of information to process through. School districts have been told that additional clarification and publicity materials to include webinars will be sent out within the next 7-10 days. Currituck County Schools has posted the latest grading guidance to our website and social media outlets. We are looking to post a video explanation of this guidance early next week for students and parents. In addition, an opportunity to submit questions will be available to students and parents to accompany the video should questions still remain after reviewing the video.Our parent portal was closed over spring break and remains closed at this time. The newest guidance for grading from the State Board of Education does have an impact on how we move forward with grading. Therefore, our parent portal will remain closed until we have had the opportunity to meet virtually with teachers to assist them with the logistics of this latest grading guidance. We know this causes some anxiety and frustration for parents. We ask for your patience so that we can ensure accurate information is provided as we move to open the portal back up.We are deeply saddened to know that we will not physically return to school and be able to see all of our amazing students and colleagues. We also know that there are many questions that still linger about important events like graduation, awards ceremonies, promotion ceremonies, and even prom. What we can tell you is that we at Currituck County Schools will do everything in our power to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and see that these special events happen in some way. -
Update 3-30-2020
Posted by MELISSA FUTRELL on 3/30/2020 4:30:00 PMGood evening Currituck County Schools Families. Tomorrow, March 31st, teachers will begin providing new remote learning opportunities for students.These opportunities will use various media and formats like video conferencing, print material, online material, or even learning management systems such as Google Classroom. Students of all levels and abilities will be reached through excellent instructional and educational support. Our teachers have worked hard to design learning opportunities that will best expose students to the remaining standards for each grade level and content area course Kindergarten through 12th grade. We are acutely aware of the importance that these learning opportunities have in preparing students for the next grade level or course in a sequence at the high school level. As such, we strongly encourage students to engage in these opportunities.
Our district website has an FAQ document that we will continue to update throughout this school closure. We encourage parents to reference it as needed. Also on our webpage you will find separate student expectations and school contact information for both elementary and secondary students. Please hover the COVID-19 label at the top of our district webpage and then click on Remote Learning Effective 3-30-2020 to access these resources.As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding remote learning please reach out to your child's teacher first and then the school. Please note that schools are operating with limited personnel so response time for returning phone calls may be slower than usual. Teachers will also be fielding a higher volume of emails and messages, so please be patient as we all do our best to respond within 24-48 hours of calls, messages, and emails.We cannot thank you enough for your continued support and patience as we venture into our new remote learning plan.
Renee DowdyAssistant Superintendent, Secondary EducationCurrituck County Schools2958 Caratoke HwyCurrituck, NC 27929 -
March 18, 2020 Message
Posted by MELISSA FUTRELL on 3/18/2020 4:30:00 PMGood afternoon Currituck County Schools' Families. We hope this message finds you well. We know what a difficult time this has been for each of you. The challenges have certainly been no different for us. This message has a few important items of information for our families. First, we are so pleased to let you know that over 742 meals were picked up at our "grab and go" sites throughout our community on our first day of the "Meals on Wheels" program! Please be reminded that any child between the ages of 1 and 18 are eligible to receive a meal at no cost. We encourage all of our families to take advantage of this opportunity.Next, our dedicated teachers, teacher assistants, administrators and other instructional staff have worked diligently to create learning opportunities for students and parents to access during our school closure. These learning plans are designed to be a review of material and content that students have already been taught. These activities do not include any new instruction and will not be collected. We encourage students and parents to access the materials online on our district website. All learning plans will be posted by 10am tomorrow, March 19th. Paper copies of these learning plans are also available at each school for pick up and may be delivered upon request at our meal sites. The purpose of providing these activities is to help students maintain their current level of performance and retain as much learning as possible. If you have questions regarding the learning plans, please contact your child's school directly.We will continue to provide all of our families with updates and information as soon as it becomes available. We continue to appreciate your grace and patience as we all navigate this unprecedented event together.Thank you.
Renee DowdyAssistant Superintendent, Secondary Education -
Meals on Wheels
Posted by MELISSA FUTRELL on 3/17/2020Meals on Wheels
Our School Nutrition Department will serve breakfast and lunch to all children that live in Currituck County, ages 1-18. These meals are at no cost and will be available as long as our schools are closed due to the Governor's Executive Order.
Children that want a meal can come to any one of the pick-up locations listed below and receive a meal at no cost.
Meals will include lunch for the day as well as breakfast for the following morning! Meals will be on site at each location from 11:00-12:30 each day.
Meal Locations:
Knotts Island Elementray School 413 Woodleigh Road
Gibbs Woods Community Center 332 East Gibbs Rd
Carolina Village 111 Universal Circle
Ranchland 100 Ranchland Dr
Moyock Middle School 216 Survey Rd
Wedgewood Lakes 106 Wedgewood Blvd
Ponderosa Parking Lot Bens Bonanza
Currituck County High School 4203 Caratoke Hwy
Coinjock Boat Ramp 482 Waterlily Rd
Griggs Elementary School 261 Poplar Branch Rd
Waterview Shores Subdivision Waterview Dr
Walnut Island Walnut Island Blvd
Soundside Park 8955 Caratoke Hwy
Jarvisburg Elementary School 110 Jarvisburg Rd
March 14, 2020 Message
Posted by MELISSA FUTRELL on 3/14/2020Governor Roy Cooper called for all schools to close effective Monday, March 16th through March 30th.
Currituck County Schools had already made the decision to declare Monday, March 16th, a teacher workday to prepare in the event school was cancelled for an extended period of time. Tentatively, all schools will be open Monday for parents and students to come in and pick up any personal items or devices they may have left at school. This may change.
We will be sending additional information out after we receive a briefing from the State Superintendent's Office tomorrow afternoon. It is our hope that the preparations you, our dedicated staff, have been making will lessen the instructional loss during this extended closure. Again, we will provide all of you as well as our families with more information once we receive further guidance.
Thank you,Renee DowdyAssistant Superintendent, Secondary Education -
March 13, 2020 Message
Posted by MELISSA FUTRELL on 3/13/2020Good evening Currituck County Schools' Staff, Students, and Parents. Currituck County Schools continues to receive updates and guidance from the office of the governor as well as state and local health officials about the coronavirus. Currituck County Schools has made the decision to declare Monday, March 16th, a required workday for all staff. Students will not report to school on Monday. This day will be used for all staff to prepare virtual learning protocols and activities should our district need to close for an extended period of time. This day will also be used to continue our efforts to sanitize classrooms, restrooms, buses and high frequency touch points in all of our buildings.
A decision to close Currituck County Schools has not been made at this time. The Governor's Office and the State Department of Health and Human Services held a conference with all state superintendents and board of education chairs this afternoon recommending that schools not close at this time. This however, remains a rapidly changing event, and we want to adequately prepare in the event we can utilize virtual learning protocols to lessen instructional loss during an extended school closure.We will continue to update all staff, students, and parents as necessary. We appreciate your support as we all navigate this unprecedented event.Renee DowdyAssistant Superintendent, Secondary Education