• Ms. Payne

    Hello, Firstie Families!! My name is Amy Payne and I am so excited to have your child in my class this year! I am a

    Currituck native that attended MES throughout my grade school years. For this reason, MES will forever hold a special

    place in my heart. This is my fourth year teaching at MES. I received my Bachelor in Elementary Education from Elizabeth

    City State University. I have been involved in several Currituck County Schools for the past 10+ years. I have been blessed with two

    beautiful daughters, ages 10 and 17. Our favorite place to go is the beach! Some of my hobbies include searching for

    sea glass and crafting. Teaching is my true passion! I enjoy instilling the love of learning into my sweet

    students! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you

    and your child this year. 



    Amy Payne

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