    Classroom: C03
    Phone:  (252) 453-0014 ext. 3032
    Subject: Civics and Economics
    After hours help:  Available upon request

    Bio:  Welcome to my website.  I am a National Board Certified Teacher and have been teaching at Currituck County High School since January 2006.  I currently teach AP Government and Politics, Founding Principles of the USA and NC: Civic Literacy, and Teen Court.


    I am originally from Scotland and moved to the United States in 2002.  I graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2000 with a BA degree in Social Science.  I also graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2002 with a Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education.


    I am looking forward to this coming school year.  I hope that together we can make it both enjoyable and successful.  Please contact me with any questions that you may have.  



Last Modified on August 23, 2024