The MMS PTO is inviting each one of you to register to be part of our 2018-2019 Parent Teacher Organization. Please help us make Moyock Middle School a better place for all. Our board members are committed to the parents, teachers/staff, and students in our community. We invite you to attend our PTO meetings on February 16 , April 5- Nominations for new members, May 10- Last meeting: voting and Volunteer Thank You. All meetings are at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. As a PTO member you will also receive a monthly News Letter email telling you the happenings for that month.
The 2018-2019 PTO BoardElizabeth Sweeney- PresidentOur PTO spirit days are the 3rd Friday of every month. There is a different theme each month.
Please join our MMS PTO Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/295116720658922/
and you can also join our Text Message updates through the Remind101 program by texting to 81010 with the message @56a16dVirginia Diner Fundraiser orders are due by September 28th 2 lucky students will win a $50 Visa gift card.MEMBERSHIP$6 Individual membership$10 Family membership*Box tops: Please continue to collect your box tops and send them in with your student. We are collecting Campbell Soup Labels, My Coke Rewards, and participating with Food Lion MVP and Target Red Card.