• Shawboro Elementary Morning Drop-off Procedures 

    It is a priority to keep all members of our school community safe. In an attempt to be proactive and create a win-win situation for our school community, please keep the following procedures in mind when dropping off your child. We also ask that you share drop off procedures with anyone bringing your child to school. 

    1. Drop-offs are not permitted in the parking lot. If you choose to enter the parking lot, please park your car in a designated parking space and escort your child past the crosswalk. Parents are not permitted to walk their children to the classroom. Please utilize the hug-and-go areas to say goodbye. Please do not park on the shoulder of the parking lot or in the grass. 
    2. Drop-offs will occur in front of the building in the designated parking spaces. Please pull all the way forward before allowing your child to exit your vehicle. Parents should remain in their cars and allow staff to assist students exiting the car if needed.
    3. Students should enter the building through the closest door when exiting the vehicle. The two options are the front entrance of the school or the hallway door near the cafeteria.
    4. During morning drop-off, we only have one open lane of traffic. Please do not pull around another car. For safety, we need all cars to remain in one lane, single file. 
    5. The tardy bell rings at 7:50. Once it is 7:50 and the bell has rung, please park and walk your child into the building. Please do not drop your child off outside after 7:50. 
    6. Students should remain in their car until the bell rings at 7:30 and Shawboro staff are outside on the sidewalk. Please do not let your child out of the car prior to 7:30.

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