• Class Codes: 

    6th Elective 1 - @mmsband6-1

    6th Elective 2 - @mmsband6-2

    7th Elective 1 - @mmsband7-1

    7th Elective 2 - @mmsband7-2

    8th Elective 1 - @mmsband8-1

    8th Elective 2 - @mmsband8-2

    Here is how to sign up for "Remind:"

    Option 1: Remind App

    Download the free app from your app store, create an account, enter class code. Turn on your notifications in your Settings to begins receiving the reminders.

    Option 2: Text notifications

    On your phone, create a new contact as "Band Remind" and enter 81010 as the number. Text your class code to this number. When registered, you will receive a text confirming your enrollment in the class.

Remind Image
  • "Remind" is an application I utilize to help communicate with students and families about upcoming events, concert dates, and other important information. Each class has a separate remind code specific to their classes.