Head Lice
1. Students found to have live head lice will be sent home. Information for treatment will be given to parent/guardian at
the time the student is picked up from school. If the parent/guardian is unable to pick the student up, written recommendations
for treatment will be sent home with the student.
2. Students will be excluded from school until cleared by nurse or designee that no live lice are present. If it is determined
that live lice are still present, the student will be refused admittance to school.
3. If nits alone are found in hair following appropriate treatment, the student may return to school. The parent/guardian
will be advised to continue to comb hair daily in order to remove all nits.
4. The school nurse or designee will provide periodic follow-up screening checks on students found to have nits alone,
within a 2 week period, to insure that nits are being removed and re-infestation has not occurred. Additional follow
up screenings outside of this 2 week period may occur at the nurse’s discretion.
5. If two or more cases are found in the same classroom (identification within close time proximity of each other) the
principal will be informed. The entire class may be screened at discretion of principal, in consultation with the school
nurse. Information on prevention, detection, and treatment will be provided to classes involved in such screenings.
6. FERPA laws protect confidentiality for the student- therefore, student medical/privacy information may not be released to those not having a direct and legitimate educational interest in the information.
Medication Policy (#6125)
The purpose of the policy is to assure that medication is administered in a safe and efficient manner.
The primary responsibility for medical care and administration of medication rests with the student’s parent
or guardian.
The Currituck County Board of Education discourages administration of medication to students during the
school day when medicine could be taken outside of school hours.
Pursuant to state law, school employees may administer medication prescribed by a doctor upon written
request of the parents or guardians. Prescription medication administered during school hours by school
personnel is discouraged.
Only school personnel, parents, or guardians will be allowed to administer medicine to the student. Students
are prohibited from sharing medication with other students. Self-medication is allowed in accordance with
the Currituck County Board of Education Policy#6125.
If a health care provider decides it is necessary for a student to receive a drug or medication during the
school day:
◊ A Permission to Administer Drug or Medication form must be completed by both the health care
provider and the parent or guardian and be filed with the school. This includes Tylenol and other
over-the-counter medications.
◊ A copy of this policy and a form on which to record the necessary information will be provided
to parents or guardians who request administration of a drug or medication during the school
◊ The parent(s) or guardian(s) must take responsibility for supplying the drug or medication to the
school. The drug or medication must be in a container labeled by the pharmacist, and the first
dose must be given at home to help prevent an allergic reaction at school.
◊ The school retains the right to reject a request for the administration of a drug or medication.
◊ The only responsibility or liability assumed by the school system or its personnel is to comply
with the instructions forwarded by the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) and health care provider.
◊ Only the principal or his/her designee will administer drugs and medications. An emergency
information plan should be kept in the student's folder if the drug or medication is to be administered
in an emergency situation.
◊ The parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student must assume responsibility for informing the principal
who, in turn, will inform the designee of any changes in the student's health or change in a
drug or medication.
◊ Students may be responsible for taking his/her own drug or medication provided approval from
the school nurse or his/her designee is obtained. Additionally, a Release and Authorization for
Student Self-Administration of Medication form must be completed by both the health care provider
and the parent or guardian and be filed with the school relieving the school of such responsibility.
It is understood that the school bears no responsibility for safeguarding the drugs and
medications. Students deemed capable of self medication must also sign a contract to be kept on
file with the school.
EpiPen Notification
The Board recognizes that the emergency administration of epinephrine can save the life of a student suffering
from anaphylaxis. In preparation for such emergencies, schools shall seek to maintain at least two epinephrine
auto-injectors for use on any student suspected of suffering from anaphylaxis. Administration of
epinephrine in cases of suspected anaphylaxis will adhere to specific guidelines in Policy
#6125 Administering
Medicines to Students.
This policy does not require emergency epinephrine auto-injector devices to be available at activities held
off school grounds during or after the school day, including field trips or off-site athletic events, or during
transportation to or from school, except as may be required pursuant to an individual student’s IEP, Section
504 Plan, or health or emergency plan.
Immunizations (#4110)
Within 30 calendar days of the student’s first enrollment date, each student must show evidence of immunization
against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, red measles, German measles (rubella), mumps, Hepatitis
B, haemophilus influenza (Hib), poliomyelitis, varicella and any other disease as required by law or regulation.
For students entering the seventh grade, a booster dose of Tdap vaccine and one dose of meningococcal conjugate
vaccine is required if they have not already received these vaccinations. Evidence of immunizations must be shown in the form of a certificate furnished by a licensed physician or by
the health department. A student who received immunizations in a state other than North Carolina must present
an official certificate that meets the immunizations requirements of G.S. 130A-154(b).
Principals are required to refuse admittance to any child whose parent or guardian does not present a medical
certification of proper immunizations within the allotted time.
Information on these immunizations and vaccines can be found at http://www.currituck.k12.nc.us/health/
information.html or by visiting http://www.immunizenc.com/Schools.htm . Vaccines are available from
your child’s pediatrician or at the local Health Department.
NOTE: There are immunization and vaccine requirements for kindergarten students.