- Shawboro Elementary School
- Student Pick Up Notes for Transportation
Daily Pick Up Plan/ Bus Note Procedure
In order to have an organized afternoon dismissal, please follow the procedures listed below:
At the beginning of the year, please send a note to your child's teacher with the daily dismissal plan for your child. (gym pick up or bus rider)
On days you need to change your child's plan, please send a detailed dated note to the homeroom teacher.
Include the following:
- Student's Full Name
- Teacher's Name
- Days affected and details of the change
- Include "until further notice" if you are making a new plan.
If you are making an unexpected change once school has started, you must call the office at 232-2237 as soon as you can. Please do not send emails or dojo messages to the teacher.
Students can only ride the bus they are assigned to. Most of our buses this year are near full capacity. Please call the front desk for information.
Barring emergencies, please do not make changes after 2:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please call the front office at 232-2237.