I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to our classroom. My name is Jennifer Sawyer and this is my nineteenth year teaching in Currituck County. Previously, I taught Kindergarten at Moyock Elementary for sixteen years. I joined the GES family in 2019 and I am excited to be a part of the Mallard family.
I am a 1999 graduate of Currituck County High School and find that it is an honor to be back teaching in the county and school system that I went through as a student. Following my high school graduation I went to East Carolina University, where I received a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. As a first year teacher, I was honored to be named Moyock Elementary and Currituck County's Outstanding First Year Teacher.
I absolutely love teaching and learning and this will be a great year as we explore the Kindergarten world together. We will be busy learning and growing together each day. Your child will be encouraged daily to always try his or her best as we learn new skills. I believe it is important that each child feels comfortable taking academic risk and to try new task to become independent learners. Together, we will help your student reach their highest potential. You as a parent also play a huge role in the success of your child's education. As we support one another, I am positive that your child will succeed.
Please feel free to contact me through Class Dojo or in an email at jsawyer@currituck.k12.nc.usHave a great day!
