504 Grievance Procedures

  • Currituck County Schools has an internal resolution procedure to provide a prompt and impartial review of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regulations implementing this Act.  This is an optional resolution procedure of a complaint.


    Grievances must be submitted to the 504 Program Specialist within 30 calendar days of the date of the alleged incident.  


    Virginia Arrington 

    Student Services Coordinator

    Currituck County Schools

    2958 Caratoke Hwy.

    Currituck, NC 27929

    252-232-2223 ext. 1016



    Grievance Process


    School Level

    1.  Complaints should be filed with the principal of the school which the student attends.  The complaint must be filed within 30 calendar days after the parent/guardian becomes aware of the alleged violation. If complaints are initially received by the Student Services Coordinator, the school principal will be promptly contacted so the concern can be shared and discussed. 
    2.  After receiving the complaint, the principal will notify the Student Services Coordinator.  The principal will begin an investigation and schedule a conference with the parent/guardian to discuss the complaint.  A conference will be held as promptly as possible to discuss a possible solution. 
    3.  If the parent/guardian accepts the proposed resolution, the school notifies the Student Services Coordinator.  Resolutions are implemented, and the process is complete. 
    4.  If the parent/guardian rejects the proposed resolution from the school administration, they will fill out a Section 504 Grievance Form.  Parent/Guardian must submit this form within 10 calendar days.
    5.  The complaint will go to the Student Services Coordinator.


    District Level: 

    1.  Upon receipt of the written grievance, the Student Services Coordinator will notify the principal and the superintendent’s office.  The Student Services Coordinator will schedule a time to meet with the parent/guardian to discuss the concern and possible resolution.  
    2.  If the parent/guardian accepts the proposed resolution, written notification is provided to the parent/guardian by the Student Services Coordinator.  The process is complete.
    3.  If the parent/guardian rejects the proposed resolution, the complaint will be forwarded to the Superintendent’s office. 
    4.  The Superintendent’s office will consult with legal counsel as needed. 
    5.  The parent/guardian is notified (in writing) within 20 school-days of the final decision.
Last Modified on August 29, 2023