Phone: 252-453-2171 ext 4045


Degrees and Certifications:

Brandon Wykle

Welcome to Currituck County Middle School! My name is Brandon Wykle and this is my second year as Health and Physical Education/Athletic Director at CCMS.  I am excited to for the Fall of 2024 at Currituck County Middle School as we have a dedicated staff and school community.

Over my 12 years in education I have been a Tutor, Bus Driver, Computer Teacher, Physical Education Teacher, Athletic Director, and Assistant Principal.  Those experiences have given me many different skills and I look forward to using them all to make the students at Currituck County Middle School successful throughout their educational journey.

I have earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health and Physical Education from Western Carolina University. I also have a Master's Degree in School Administration from Western Carolina University in 2019.  Please feel free to contact me at if you need anything.  I look forward to working with you and being part of the Raider Family.

Brandon Wykle