- Shawboro Elementary School
- Welcome
Hello Everyone!! My name is Ms. Morris, I am so excited to start my 4th year teaching Kindergarten here at Shawboro Elementary. This is truly the BEST SCHOOL!!!
I am the mother of 4 beautiful children and prior to going back to school I was a stay-at-home mom! I love being with my children, but now that they are all in school, I am excited to have the career I have always wanted!
When I am not in the classroom, you will find me at some field watching ANY sport!! My son plays travel baseball and high school baseball, my 12 year old daughter is a CCMS cheerleader and my 10 year old daughter does tumbling! SO that takes up a lot of our time!! I LOVE IT!!
I spend my extra time with my family and friends and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Some things I really enjoy:
Running- I run a LOT with my friends!
All Sports---especially BASEBALL- I am THAT baseball mom and I love a good ballgame with or without my kid playing in it!!
Food- I run because I love food!!!
I am so excited to be here and I look forward to another really great year!!!
Here is what you need to know about room 404!
We stay busy
Here is our daily schedule:7:30- Drop off time, buses unload, Students report to class (Students must arrive by 7:40 each day if he/she wish to eat breakfast at school)
7:50- Tardy Bell rings- Breakfast ends
7:50- 9:00 - Instructional time
9:00-9:45 Specials
9:40-11:10 - Instructional time
11:10- 11:40 - Lunch
11:40-1:40 - Instructional time
1:40-2:10 - Recess
2:10-2:40 - Instructional Time2:40- Dismissal
Contact me:
Feel free to contact me through email anytime mmorris@currituck.k12.nc.usParents can contact me directly on class dojo! This is the best way to contact me!
Classroom binders come home daily. Please check binders each day for important information. All information that comes home in binders will also be published on our class dojo page to eliminate any confusing or missing papers!!
I am looking forward to a great year teaching your children!!!!!